Full List of OP Scripts:
local Main
for _,v in pairs(getgc(true)) do
if typeof(v) == "table" and rawget(v, "DataManager") then
Main = v
if Main.DataManager.currentChunk.regionData.Grass then
--[[ You can spam the doWildBattle function by doing this
Main.Battle.currentBattle = nil
Main.Battle.doWildBattle(Main.Battle, Main.DataManager.currentChunk.regionData.Grass, {})
--[[ You can get information of the loomians in currentBattle
for _,v in pairs(Main.Battle.currentBattle) do
--[[ End battle
(LNY)Loomian Legacy Script Features:
This script has almost all the most needed features you can use in the game.
- Auto Encounter: Automatically finds creatures.
- AutoSpin Farm: Automatically spins for rewards.
- Auto Block: Blocks attacks automatically.
- Infinite Stamina: Unlimited energy for actions.
- Cooldown Removal: Eliminates waiting times between actions.
How to use scripts?
- Download a Script Executor – I only recommend MacSploit, AWP.GG, Delta, Fluxus, or Codex.
- Attach the Executor – Connect the tool to the game process.
- Paste the Script – Load and execute the Lua script inside the game.
- Activate Features – Tap the execute icon to use the injected script for custom actions.
Game Details:
- Name: Loomian Legacy
- Developer: Llama Train Studio
- Maturity: Minimal
- Genre: RPG
- Subgenre: Turn-based RPG